Thank you for your interest in making a monetary donation to our ministry. You may write a check to “Spanish Health Ministry” and send it to:
Spanish Health Ministry
205 E. State St.
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Should you prefer to make an online donation: All online payments are made and processed through a Paypal account and by means of a credit card. Paypal is an online service which allow sellers and consumers to receive and spend money in a secure manner. More information about Paypal can be found by clicking on the link below, which will take you to their website.
All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt through the mail.
If you do not receive your receipt for any reason or have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by phone at 610-444-3001 or email by clicking the ‘Contact us’ button at the top-right or bottom-left of this page.
Thank you again for blessing us as we continue to serve the Chester County Area.
General Donation
General Donations would go towards salaries, auto mileage expenses, office services such as electric, internet, telephone, general expenses and supplies, taxes, and health insurance for full time staff. This also includes Ministry expenses and supplies for Bible Studies and Children’s VBS.
Keswick Donation
At America’s Keswick in early March we invite families that we have ministered to during the year to a weekend of Bible teaching in Spanish.
(See more details on our website page)
Includes meals, transportation, housing and all programs.
Prayer Letters are sent out approximately 4-5 times per year to describe the work of the Spanish Health Ministry and to let people know how they can be praying for individuals or families with whom we are working. We love to share answered prayers and to tell our supporters what God is doing in the lives of the special families He brings to us.
If you would like to be on our mailing list and receive our Prayer Letters, we can send them to you via e-mail or by paper mail. We would love to have you join us in prayer for our families. Please send us your contact information and we will put you on our distribution list to receive our next letter by email or post.
FALL 2021 Prayer and Praise
Fall 2020 prayer letter
Introduction Video to Spanish Health Ministry

Spanish Health Ministry Needs
- Volunteers to provide child care and/or transportation for Friday morning Ladies Bible Study
If interested, please call the SHM office at 610-444-3001 or email us at